Adventurous, Energetic, Pioneering, Courageous, Enthusiastic, Confident, Dynamic and Quick-Witted |
Selfish, Quick-Tempered, Impulsive, Impatient, Foolhardy and a bit of a Daredevil |
![]() Arians are blunt and outspoken--often to the point that more sensitive souls around them will become alienated. Arians are intrepid and aggressive. When needed, they can almost always muster the inner-strength to face any challenge. Always competitive, Arians never lose sight of what is in their best interest. Arians are often inclined to be egotistical and domineering. They much prefer action to allowing things to settle on their own. They are never afraid to take chances or follow their impulses. When their actions fail to produce the expected results, they still pride themselves on at least trying. They love exploring new ground. Indeed they expect to be first to go anywhere new. While Arians may not be for everyone, their courage and willingness to initiate action make them an asset to any team project. |
The Arian In Love: When Arians want to, they can be very charming and hard to resist by the opposite sex. People born under the Aries sign need to harness their powerful energies, or even rein them in a little, so those with whom they would like to spend time are not overwhelmed by their advances. In a relationship, Arians assume the role of motivator and want to be control. The Aries driving force compels those born under its influence to become the leading light in any co-operative venture. Sometimes it seems they want to defeat their partners, not love them. Arians are enthusiastic and adventurous lovers. They will always want to push to take their lovemaking to new plateaus. Their partners can sometimes be overwhelmed by this spirited approach. Arians love to experiment and to take things to the limit, so, roll over Kama Sutra, the Arian lover is re-writing it all from scratch! |
Famous Aries Include: Charlie Chaplin, Marlon Brando, Bette Davis, Thomas Jefferson, Houdini, Wilhelm Reich, Elton John, Aretha Franklin, Gloria Steinem, Leonard Nimoy, Cy Young, W. C. Fields, James Clark, and Otto von Bismarck. |
Ideal Jobs Include: Aries is well-suited to become a fire-fighter, surgeon, mechanic, dentist, professional athlete and entrepreneur. |
Lucky Numbers: 1, 10 ,19, 28, 37, 46, 55 |
Planet: Mars |
Star Stone: Diamond |
Element: Fire |
Most Compatible With: Leo or Sagittarius |
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
c'est moi :)
t’es beau ....
Depuis ce matin cette chanson tourne dans ma tete sans arret : t’es beau de Pauline Croze… elle me rappel peut etre l’hiver dernier !!!!???
T’es beau,
T’es beau parce que t’es courageux,
De regarder dans le fond des yeux,
Celui qui te défie d’être heureux.
T’es beau,
T’es beau comme un cri silencieux,
Vaillant comme un métal précieux,
Qui se bat pour guérir de ses bleus.
C’est comme une rengaine,
Quelques notes en peine,
Qui forcent mon cœur,
Qui forcent ma joie,
Quand je pense a toi,
A présent.
J’ai beau,
J’ai beau me dire qu’au fond c’est mieux,
Même si c’est encore douloureux,
Je n’ai pas de recoin silencieux.
C’est beau,
C’est beau parce que c’est orageux,
Avec ce temps je connais peu,
Les mots qui traînent au coin de mes yeux.
C’est comme une rengaine,
Quelques notes en peine,
Qui forcent mon cœur,
Qui forcent ma joie
Quand je pense à toi,
Toi qui sors de scène,
Sans armes et sans haine,
J’ai peur d’oublier,
J’ai peur d’accepter,
J’ai peur des vivants,
A présent.
T’es beau…
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
J'crois qu'les histoires d'amour c'est comme les voyages en train,
Et quand j'vois tous ces voyageurs parfois j'aimerais en être un,
Pourquoi tu crois que tant de gens attendent sur le quai de la gare ?
Pourquoi tu crois qu'on flippe autant d'arriver en retard ?
Les trains démarrent souvent au moment où l'on s'y attend le moins,
Et l'histoire d'amour t'emporte sous l'oeil impuissant des témoins,
Les témoins c'est tes potes qui te disent au revoir sur le quai,
Ils regardent le train s'éloigner avec un sourire inquiet,
Toi aussi tu leur fais signe et t'imagines leurs commentaires,
Certains pensent que tu t'plantes et qu't'as pas les pieds sur terre,
Chacun y va d'son pronostic sur la durée du voyage,
Pour la plupart le train va dérailler dès l'premier orage.
Le grand amour change forcément ton comportement,
Dès l'premier jour faut bien choisir ton compartiment,
Siège couloir ou contre la vitre il faut trouver la bonne place,
Tu choisis quoi une love story de première ou d'seconde classe ?
Dans les premiers kilomètres tu n'as d'yeux que pour son visage,
Tu calcules pas derrière la fenêtre le défilé des paysages,
Tu te sens vivant tu te sens léger tu ne vois pas passer l'heure,
T'es tellement bien que t'as presque envie d'embrasser le contrôleur.
Mais la magie ne dure qu'un temps et ton histoire bat de l'aile,
Toi tu te dis que tu n'y es pour rien et que c'est sa faute à elle,
Le ronronnement du train te saoule et chaque virage t'écoeure,
Faut que tu te lèves que tu marches tu vas te dégourdir le coeur.
Et le train ralentit, c'est déjà la fin de ton histoire,
En plus t'es comme un con tes potes sont restés à l'autre gare,
Tu dis au revoir à celle que t'appelleras désormais ton ex,
Dans son agenda sur ton nom elle va passer un coup de tipex.
C'est vrai que les histoires d'amour c'est comme les voyages en train,
Et quand je vois tous ces voyageurs parfois j'aimerais en être un,
Pourquoi tu crois que tant de gens attendent sur le quai de la gare ?
Pourquoi tu crois qu'on flippe autant d'arriver en retard ?
Pour beaucoup la vie se résume à essayer de monter dans le train,
A connaître ce qu'est l'amour et se découvrir plein d'entrain,
Pour beaucoup l'objectif est d'arriver à la bonne heure,
Pour réussir son voyage et avoir accès au bonheur.
Il est facile de prendre un train encore faut-il prendre le bon,
Moi je suis monté dans deux trois rames mais c'était pas le bon wagon,
Car les trains sont capricieux et certains sont inaccessibles,
Et je ne crois pas tout le temps qu'avec la SNCF c'est possible.
Il y a ceux pour qui les trains sont toujours en grève,
Et leurs histoires d'amour n'existent que dans leurs rêves,
Et y a ceux qui foncent dans le premier train sans faire attention,
Mais forcément ils descendront déçus à la prochaine station,
Y a celles qui flippent de s'engager parce qu'elles sont trop émotives,
Pour elles c'est trop risqué de s'accrocher à la locomotive,
Et y a les aventuriers qu'enchaînent voyage sur voyage,
Dès qu'une histoire est terminée ils attaquent une autre page.
Moi après mon seul vrai voyage j'ai souffert pendant des mois,
On s'est quitté d'un commun accord mais elle était plus d'accord que moi,
Depuis je traîne sur le quai je regarde les trains au départ,
Y a des portes qui s'ouvrent mais dans une gare je me sens à part.
Il paraît que les voyages en train finissent mal en général,
Si pour toi c'est le cas accroche-toi et garde le moral,
Car une chose est certaine y aura toujours un terminus,
Maintenant tu es prévenu la prochaine fois tu prendras le bus.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Femme arabe
Monday, August 20, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
How to French Kiss
- Moisten your lips. Dry lips do not move well together. Just a light brush of your tongue over your lips will be sufficient to moisten them.
- Angle your head. If your mouths meet dead-on, your noses will get in the way, and you will not be able to kiss deeply or smoothly. To avoid this, tilt your head slightly to one side. Make sure you do not both tilt your heads to the same side.
- Close your eyes. As you approach for the kiss, look into your partner's eyes, but, once you are close to theirs, close your eyes. It can be a bit of a turnoff to be kissing and going cross-eyed .
- Start with a gentle and soft closed-mouth kiss. The French kiss is an open-mouth kiss, but do not lunge in with your lips agape like you're going to eat them; instead, open your lips very slowly. If you were learning to speak French, you would probably start with the basics, vocabulary and grammar, before trying to write poetry. Well, the French kiss is like the poetry of kissing, and before you can be good at it, you have to master the closed-mouth kiss. Even after you have added French kissing to your romantic repertoire, it is usually better to start a kiss with closed lips.
- Go Dutch on the decision to French. Kissing should be a shared decision. You need to have permission to French kiss someone, but when your lips are locked with their's you may not want to stop and ask, "Hey, this is great, but can I put my tongue in your mouth?" Open your lips slowly and just a little during the kiss so that one of your lips is sandwiched between theirs and one of theirs is between yours. As you are locking and re-locking lips, brush your tongue against your partner's lips ever so slightly. This should make it clear that you want to French kiss. If your partner's tongue does not respond in like fashion or if they pull away, you will have to save the French kiss for another time when you are both ready.
- Explore with your tongue. If you and your partner seem to be enjoying the open-mouth kiss, slowly try to open your mouth a little bit more and gently push your tongue a little farther into their mouth. The tongue is very sensitive, and the mere act of touching your partner's tongue with your own will be very pleasant and stimulating for each of you. Do not stick your tongue too far into the mouth, as this can be a big turn-off. Instead, just gently and playfully touch tongues.
- Go Slow. Passionate kisses are good sometimes, but to really enjoy a French kiss, you must take it slow. Do not hurry and take time to explore each other's mouths.
- Mix it up. Kisses are like snowflakes: no two are exactly the same. Once you finally feel comfortable French kissing someone, it is tempting to try to do the same thing every time. Add variety. Sometimes kiss deeper, for example, and other times pay more attention to the lips than the tongue. Hold the kiss longer or shorter and explore the art of kissing. When something feels good for each of you, do not abandon it for the sake of variety.
- Read Body Language. Everybody kisses a little differently, and each person enjoys different things in a kiss - there is no "right" way to kiss. What separates good kissers from bad is an ability to read a partner's body language and be responsive to their partner. Of course if your partner pulls away or seems uncomfortable at any time, understand that you have to slow it down. Listen for cues that tell how much your partner is enjoying a particular kissing maneuver. If you hear a sigh or moan, or they begin kissing you back with increased intensity, realize that they are responding with fervor.
- Develop your style. Good French kissing, like good kissing of any kind, requires practice. You will get better as you do it more. In addition, the more practice you have with one person, the more comfortable you will feel kissing them and developing a style that suits both of you.
- Breathe! Forgetting to breathe is probably the most common French kissing error. Do not hold your breath--everybody needs to breathe, and it is a lot more awkward when you have to pull away gasping for air than if you're breathing normally. Breathe through your nose, and try to keep a normal rhythm. As you and your partner grow comfortable with the kiss, you can try breathing through your mouth a little: sharing breaths as well can be romantic (but not everybody likes it).
- Freshen your breath. You never want to have bad breath when you are about to kiss someone, whether the kiss is a French kiss or not. Because your mouth will be open in a French kiss, fresh breath is especially important. Practice good dental hygiene. Carry mints with you if you think there is even so much as a hint of a chance you might kiss. Avoid foods that leave an unpleasant aftertaste or residue, particularly garlic, onions, milk, and corn.
- Teeth are a sensitive subject. You definitely do not want to bump teeth with each other. It is not only awkward, but can hurt as well. It might inevitably happen at times, so do not worry when it does. You may want to try rubbing the backs or fronts of the teeth of the other person with your tongue. This can create a ticklish feeling that might enhance your kiss. Not everyone enjoys having someones tongue rubbing on their teeth, and many do not like to touch teeth with their tongue.
- Not everybody likes to be kissed the same way, so while your former partner might have enjoyed one method of kissing, your new love might not. You need to learn to read signals and adapt to a style that's comfortable for each each of you. This works in reverse, too. Just because someone doesn't kiss you like you are used to does not mean they are a bad kisser. As long as you are not uncomfortable with the kiss, try to be open-minded, as you just might like the new style.
- Be an active partner. If someone is French kissing you and you want them to do so, do not just sit there but get into the kiss. Reciprocate their actions, and alternate taking the lead on the movements of your tongues and lips. If you are uncomfortable with any part of the kiss, do not be afraid to pull away or gently close your lips. This will give your your partner the hint.
- There are no rules for how long you should hold a kiss. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, break the kiss; otherwise, just enjoy it until one or both of you slowly pull apart, usually together. It is extremely romantic to lightly suck your partner's upper or bottom lip as you part. You might find yourselves returning to kissing, after each of you takes a breath.
- Use your hands. Your hands are important to kissing, and you should use them to make the kiss more romantic. Gently hold your partner's face with your hands on their cheeks and their neck, or wrap your arms around your partner in an embrace. The most important thing about using your hands is that you respect your partner's boundaries. Play with their ears or run your fingers through their hair, as this is very stimulating. The second most important thing (much less important than the first) is that your hands should do something. Don't just let them hang at your sides; it will seem like you're not into the kiss, and you'll look like an ape.
- Talk about it. A lot of people have difficulty talking about intimacy, but open communication is important to all parts of a relationship. If you really like the way your partner kisses you, let them know. If you don't like something, also let your partner know that, but approach it delicately and compliment them at the same time on something they did that you liked. Even if the kiss goes all wrong, it can still be an intimate affair if you can both laugh about it together!
- To some people a hard tongue is a turn-off. Keep tongue and lips soft and supple...think of the pressure used to lick a soft service ice cream cone, no probing with a stiff tongue unless the other enjoys it. Use variations too to mix it up. Now go practice!
- You can still French kiss if one or both of you has braces, but you should be careful to prevent the braces from touching each other. Also avoid touching the braces with your tongue (you could cut your tongue).
- Excessive saliva can build up during a French kiss, and that can interfere with the romantic moment. Swallow periodically without breaking the kiss. If you have trouble doing that, do not be afraid to pull away for a moment.
- If you ever feel uncomfortable or do not want to move forward with any move your partner is attempting, pull away and let your partner know that you want to stop. Be firm. It's OK to say no.